Yom Kippur Bump In and Bump Out 2016

These were models used for a Bump In and Bump out used on the Fox News Channel for Yom Kippur. Bumps are used on show when going out to or coming back from commercials.
Music/Sound by Danton Mayorga

Yom Kippur 2016 Bump In

Yom Kippur 2016 Bump Out

This is a scene render from the Bump In camera shot.

This is a scene render from the Bump In camera shot.

This is a model of a Shofar -  an ancient musical horn made of ram's horn, used for Jewish religious purposes.  This was created using Maya, Photoshop, and Mudbox.

This is a model of a Shofar - an ancient musical horn made of ram's horn, used for Jewish religious purposes. This was created using Maya, Photoshop, and Mudbox.

This is a model of a Torah - the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition.  This was created using Maya and Photoshop.

This is a model of a Torah - the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. This was created using Maya and Photoshop.